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    Despre noi

    Conceptul OnOptic este despre profesionalism si calitate la cele mai inalte  standarde si sub umbrela pasiunii pentru sanatatea ochiului tau.

    Focusul nostru constant este sa oferim experiente de top in materie de optica  medicala, de la produse si examene oftalmologice la servicii  post-vanzare, adaptate stilului si nevoilor tale vizuale. Prioritatea  noastra este orientarea spre client, corectia vizuala fiind tratata ca o experienta de prestigiu atat prin servicii cat si prin produsele  oferite si nu ca pe o necesitate simpla, obisnuita.

    Based on 94 reviews
    powered by Google
    18:29 07 Aug 24
    Hi, I went to get my glasses done today, I've been wearing them for 10 years, in addition to fair prices and diversified products, Mrs. Doctor is really there for you, any question will be answered, you will be informed about your condition and how make your life easier with it, all the options will be calculated in front of you and you will make an informed choice of what you are paying for and why, I was really surprised because I always had the impression where I chose to get my glasses as something stuck in my throat, not here, very satisfied or at least that was my experience.
    Horia - Alex Nan
    20:03 23 May 24
    Very nice experience. Calm, friendly and professional staff, a wide selection of frames for all budgets. I fully recommend it!
    Calin Mateiu
    08:51 23 Apr 24
    The best services I have experienced!I received highly professional advice, the best quality materials at affordable prices.Thank you OnOptic!Calin Meteiu
    Alexandru Cherciu
    14:14 03 Apr 24
    The experience at OnOptic was excellent! The staff was extremely kind and professional, offering me tailored advice. I was carefully guided in choosing a suitable pair of glasses, and the pleasant environment completed the experience. I recommend with confidence!
    Adelina Niculăiță
    10:04 23 Feb 24
    Professionalism!I was greeted by a very kind and very well trained staff, and after the consultation it was confirmed that I never had myopia, although at other offices I was recommended to wear glasses for 4 years. I recommend, both I and the family will gladly call on the services of the office😇
    Sorina Tîltu
    16:22 26 May 23
    Great experience! Very friendly and qualified staff, a wide selection of frames, high-quality lenses, and very good prices.I definitely recommend OnOptic!
    Diana Tataran
    15:17 02 Nov 22
    One of the most enjoyable experience that I had in the last recent months regarding a medical provider.I found out about OnOptic from my father who is a picky moody gentlemen who appreciates quality in every aspect of his life. He discovered OnOptic by chance and was impressed of their professional services and customer interaction.At OnOptic I found a qualified team from whom I received a profesional examination resulting into the proper pare of lenses for my needs.Also I found there just the right amount of advices regarding the choosing of the eyeglass frames. They don't invade your mind with suggestions, all the contrary, they discreetly are offering their support if requested.One important aspect to mention is the great amount of willingness they had when it came to modifying twice the invoice that was rejected by my employing company out of various discrepancies in data on the invoice (for reimbursing part of the sum).Both professional and relaxing atmosphere overall.
    Santa Sergiu
    13:13 30 Oct 22
    Very satisfied with the whole experience I had here! It feels that they take the time to satisfy every customer and their unique needs!I definitely recommend checking it out!
    Zuzana Dörflerová
    11:02 06 Jul 22
    Had very good experience. Lady was very professional, nice, not forcing like in other optics. Explained me everything and I even tried something I didn´t want before and now I am happy with it (transition lens). I also very much appreciate free and thorough eye examination after which I knew I do not need to upgrade my prescription. Also got discount. If I need more glasses I will come back. What I liked the most: not forcing manners, very pleasant and professional and english speaking worker, big selection.
    08:07 23 May 24
    Am fost foarte multumim de serviciile oferite.De exemplu pe ochelarii mei (pe rama) am avut casco, si dupa un an s-au rupt, iar cei de la OnOptic au schimbat fara nicio problema, gratuit!Recomand!
    Mihai Enache
    13:48 21 May 24
    Foarte buna clinica, recomand serviciile oferite si medicii
    Adina Nicula
    11:37 19 Apr 24
    Foarte mulțumită
    Daniela Cioanva
    09:37 12 Apr 24
    Beatrice Petrut
    16:03 04 Apr 24
    Foarte multumita!
    Gradinar Horia
    10:57 22 Mar 24
    Tot personalul foarte amabil. Dna Dr Sos , o minunăție de Dr.Foarte răbdătoare cu copilul meu de aproape 2 ani.Și am apreciat și diversitatea de rame pentru copii din optica la prețuri foarte corecte.Recomand cu toată încrederea





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